Antique hugo meyer rangefinder
Antique hugo meyer rangefinder

antique hugo meyer rangefinder

All Anniversary SGs had a focal plane shutter.


The Pathmaker series is better if roll film holders are desired or more than focal length lens is used. The Anniversary model is simple and reliable, but less versatile. The ground glass image can better inform the photographer as to the final appearance of the photograph. Focusing on the ground glass is slower and perhaps more precise. A well adjusted rangefinder is quick to use. Later models use a board formed from sheet aluminum, harder to fabricate but available online.

antique hugo meyer rangefinder

These boards can easily built from plywood, hardboard, or even foam core.

antique hugo meyer rangefinder

The Anniversary uses the 4 inch boards common to many other cameras of its time. Since all SGs use interchangeable lens boards, almost any lens of reasonable size can be fitted. The 11th edition covers the top rangefinder series. The Eight edition includes the side rangefinder Pathmaker series. Editions through seven cover only the Anniversary model SG. For more detail on the many specific models, study Graphic Graflex Photography by Morgan & Lester (or Morgan & Morgan in later editions). The quickest way to learn about the Speed Graphic system is to go to. One solution would be a 200 or so mm telephoto lens - one, the 8"/5.6 TeleRaptar also sold as TeleOptar will do - but a 4x5 camera would be a better choice. But and however, if you want to use a 200 or so mm lens focusing a 2x3 Speed close enough for portaiture will be a little problematic. I was going to suggest that if you're going to shoot roll film you should get a 2x3 Pacemaker Speed Graphic with a Graflok back. Visit and look around the site to learn more about Graphics. Pacemaker Graphics were delivered with spring backs that accept only insertion type roll holders and with Graflok backs that accept clip-on roll holders like the one you asked about. If you're going to shoot roll film you'll want a camera with a Graflok back. The viewfinder - there are two - is for framing loosely, not for focusing. I have a 2x3 Pacemaker, don't use its Kalart (side) rangefinder. The most desirable 4x5 Speed Graphic is the Pacemaker Speed Graphic. Since it hasn't been said, Speed Graphics of various vintages have been made in 2 1/4 x 3 1/4, 3 1/4 x 4 1/4, 4x5 and 5x7.

Antique hugo meyer rangefinder